The bells rang out in peals of joyous lay as with his bride on this their
wedding day they did walk the gauntlet of confetti thrown, by family and friends
and guests unknown a happy day though chilled this wintertime when bough with
hoar and grass with rime did add to this memorialed day of unioned bliss when
lives became one, he to hers and she to his. In carriage old pulled by white
horses four his bride did cast high from emblemed door her bouquet of flowers,
towards future brides who one day to walk with beaus at their sides under arched
roof built during Merlin's time when bough with hoar and grass with rime will
add to their day of memorialed bliss when lives become one, he to hers and she
to his.
wedding day they did walk the gauntlet of confetti thrown, by family and friends
and guests unknown a happy day though chilled this wintertime when bough with
hoar and grass with rime did add to this memorialed day of unioned bliss when
lives became one, he to hers and she to his. In carriage old pulled by white
horses four his bride did cast high from emblemed door her bouquet of flowers,
towards future brides who one day to walk with beaus at their sides under arched
roof built during Merlin's time when bough with hoar and grass with rime will
add to their day of memorialed bliss when lives become one, he to hers and she
to his.